Role of MEP engineers in Construction

A building surely draws a lot of attention to the interior designer or architect who was involved in its making. However, the actual person who gives a building its usability value, is an MEP Engineer. Now, you might wonder who is an MEP Engineer. Well, then let us enlighten you about the role of a MEP Engineer in making constructions a possibility.  

A MEP Engineer is a construction technician or building expert who is responsible for the mechanical, electrical and plumbing work of a building under construction. They are specialists who have a sound understanding of the impact of the mechanical, electrical and plumbing settings within the construction process.  

In layman language, the task of a MEP engineer entails studying the layout of the whole site and making precise drawings using a designing software such as Adobe Photoshop, to plan and execute the MEP work. This designing process is an indispensable part of the construction process. It ensures that the building getting constructed actually reaches its end vision. Therefore, a MEP Engineer’s input is valuable in making a building functional and purposeful.  

There are multiple tasks that a MEP engineer has to perform in order to ensure the construction process can be carried forward. So, here’s some of the ways that a MEP Engineer adds to the construction process: 

  • Studies and evaluates the site plan 
  • Recognizes the areas that needs rebuilding for ease of functionality 
  • Draws plans for the MEP fittings 
  • Estimates the cost needed for the MEP work 
  • Delegating work to contractors 
  • Suggesting equipment that can be used for the MEP fittings  
  • Assisting the architects in making the building construction code compliant 
  • Ensuring that the building is safe for its users 
  • Problem solving and coming up with effective solutions 
  • Reviewing the MEP plan at each stage of construction  
  • Supervising the execution of the MEP drawing  
  • Listing all the electrical fixtures to be fitted in the building 
  • Listing all the plumbing tools needed  

This list is not exhaustive and there’s a lot that a MEP engineer does and can do. So, if you are looking to implement a successful construction project, be sure to get in touch with a MEP Engineer. You can even contact us and take advantage of our experienced MEP services at Pillar Plus. We are a MEP Consulting firm that provide MEP drawings and precise BOQs, compliant with building codes. We manage site supervision, quality checks, assist in approvals for NOC’s, environmental clearance meetings and help in contractor selection for your project as well. 

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