Global new-age MEP consultancy +91-9799858301
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Fire suppression systems are an obligatory prerequisite to forestall the spread of fire in any modern day development

These systems include use a combination of water or dry/wet chemicals agents to suppress equipment fires.

At PillarPlus, our exclusive automation software creates MEP designs and precise bill of quantities (BOQ) complying with all rules and measures as per the National Building Codes (NBC), 2016.


- Fire sprinklers layouts
- Fire hydrant layouts
- Fire alarms
- Bill of quantities
- Product recommendations
fire sprinkler - pillarplus

Fire sprinklers layouts

Effective sprinkler layout to source suitable amount of clean water for fighting all fire threats
fire hydrant - pillarplus

Fire hydrant layouts

Location planning of fire hydrants for the building taking accessibility and proximity into consideration
Bill of Quantities - Fire - Pillarplus

Bill of Quantities

Detailed fire BOQ stating the quality and quantity of sprinklers, water hydrants, fire alarms etc. required at optimum cost
Fire alarm - Pillarplus

Fire alarms

Fire alarms allocation at crucial positions of the building to warn occupants in times of fire threats

Site Supervision

We have a trained team of experts to provide quantitative site supervision, project assessments and best advice as per client's need.

    We are the MEP consultants for speedy site execution & lower project costs

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