Global new-age MEP consultancy +91-9799858301
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Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems are essentially designed to control the internal environment of the building on a sustainable basis.

Refrigeration (R) systems refrigerate to produce chilled water that is piped to air handling units where it is used to cool the air that ventilates the building.

At PillarPlus, our exclusive automation software creates MEP designs and precise bill of quantities (BOQ) complying with all rules and measures as per the National Building Codes (NBC), 2016.


- Air conditioning
- Copper piping
- Ducting layouts
- Air cooling layouts
- Air exhaust layouts
- Chiller plans
- Schematics
- Bill of quantities
- Product recommendations
Copper piping - Pillarplus

Copper piping

Copper piping design layout for heating systems and refrigerant lines in the building

Ducting layouts

Efficient ducting layout for optimizing interior comfort and good air quality at low operation cost

Bill of Quantities

Detailed HVAC/R BOQ stating the quality and quantity of chiller, pipes, ducts, etc. required at optimum cost
Chillar Plan - Pillarplus

Chiller plans

Chiller system designs for chilled water generation to provide air conditioning in buildings and remove unwanted heat

Site Supervision

We have a trained team of experts to provide quantitative site supervision, project assessments and best advice as per client's need.

    We are the MEP consultants for speedy site execution & lower project costs

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